Each module you will create one check-in
issue using the template in your
class repo. You will use this issue to track your progress through the
Suggested Study resources, the Sunday Prep materials, and individual
Exercises. You will write your Thursday Check-Ins in this issue. check-in
issues won’t be placed on the module project board.
You should try to complete the exercises
Most modules will have exercises to practice alongside the projects. These emoji’s will help you figure out how to spend your study time as effectively as possible. If you can’t master all the material at once, that’s expected! Anything you don’t master now will always be waiting for you to review when you need it:
Alongside each project there will be a set of exercises. Unlike projects the exercises will focus in on specific skills, tools or concepts. Exercises are made up of smaller and more repetitive problems to solve, always with tests so you can move through them with confidence.
Sometimes there will be a lot of exercises, and these exercises can be quite challenging. You should start each set of exercises to be aware of the skills you’re expected to apply in the projects, but you are not expected to complete every exercise right away when they are assigned. If you find you want to dive deeper into one topic, or that you’ve finished the project early and want to keep studying, go on and finish all the exercises! Otherwise they’ll always be there for you, you can go back and complete the exercises later in the course or after you leave HYF. This has been a successful strategy for many students before you.
Exercises will come in 3 general types as well:
100% Optional, these are just suggested resources
Each module will include a list of study links helpful for that module’s learning objectives. If you don’t find them helpful or prefer another resource, no worries! If you find a great resource that you think would help other students, please share it with a pull request!
You will use the Suggested Study section of your check-in
issue to keep
track of the resources you’ve found the most helpful during the module.